Praipol Koomsup's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Foreign Trade and Economic Development in Five Southeast Asian Countries, 1850-1940, from the Studies of Social Science : A Collection of Articles by Thai Scholars1978
2.Optimal Export Diversification Models : A Theoretical Framework for Thai Export Crops
3.Optimal export diversification models : a theoretical framework for Thai export crops
4.Petroleum Products Pricing and Its Impacts : View From an Oil-Importing Country1982
5.ASEAN Energy Issues1984
6.The Impact of the Tokyo Round: Trade Agreement on Thai Exports to Japan1985
7.Agricultural incentives, comparative advantage and employment in Thailand : a case study of rice, maize, cassava and sugar cane1980
8.Summary of the Impact of the Law Amendment on Petroleum Survey and Development = สรุปผลกระทบของการปรับปรุงกฎหมายเกี่ยวกับการสำรวจและพัฒนาปิโตรเลียม1988
9.International comparative study of energy law : lessons for Thailand2008
10.Research Report, Land Tenure, Farm Size and Farm Productivity : A Case Study of the Maeklong Area1985
11.Energy act : Implications for the energy sector in Thailand2008
12.State enterprises and privatization in Thailand : problems, progress and prospects2002